Find us at 34 Norman Ave in Brooklyn, NY!

OMHU is the product of a more than 30-year old friendship. We, Jonas and Frederik, have always been interested in furniture and interior design, which is why we, a few years ago, took the first steps, quit our 9 to 5-jobs and threw ourselves into the dream. It started with an old van and a lot of flea markets, but quickly developed into our small Instagram-based vintage shop, ‘Kram & Klenodier’, which came to life in 2018.

During the spring of 2022, the idea for the TEDDY sofa was born, based on our experiences and impressions from various vintage furniture, we have had the pleasure to trade through ‘Kram & Klenodier’. Today, OMHU therefore embraces both TEDDY and Kram & Klenodier – and there is more in the making…

“Omhu” is an old Danish word which translates to acting attentively, conscientiously and with care – OMHU is who we are, what we do and how we do it!